Friday, March 14

Tag: Reddit

Are there holes in my argument?
News Feed, Reddit

Are there holes in my argument?

I have a debate in British parliamentary format in a few days and it discusses artificial intelligence, specifically AI art. Here is my argument It is quite obvious that artificial intelligence is integrating rapidly into human life. This includes the art industry, a representation of the times we live in through vivid illustration. AI art is not only real art, it is art that showcases our innovation as a society and we must not abandon it or regret its spread accross mainstream media. The opposing side believes insert points the opposing side made. However, they are gravely mistaken. Insert rebuttals here Moreover, I shall now proceed to elaborate extensively on the intrinsic value found within art generated by Artificial Intelligence. To prove this, let's say if art gains value from ba...
The global AI arms race is much more about competing businesses than about competing governments
News Feed, Reddit

The global AI arms race is much more about competing businesses than about competing governments

There's a lot of talk about governments throughout the world building their own ais primarily for the purpose of national security. among these are the governments of the u.s., china, india, the u.k. and france. it's said that this is why pausing or halting ai development is not a viable option. no country can afford to be left behind. government ais, however, perhaps with the exception of countries like china that maintain very close ties with private businesses, will for the most part be involved in security matters that have a little impact on the everyday lives of the citizens of those countries. at least in times of peace. the same cannot, however, be said for ais developed expressly for the private citizens and businesses of these countries. this is where the main battles of the ai a...
The AI Report